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Straight Chaos

Project Type



December 2022


Vermillion, South Dakota


Toothpicks, hot glue

Straight Chaos explores the unexpected within the seemingly ordered. It invites you to look upon the myriad of angles and shapes that lie within it. The delicate geometric structures are intricately configured to make it seem unstable, at yet, as a whole stands structured. This uneasy design reflects the concept of perceived prosperity. Straight Chaos speaks to those who crave to be viewed as “put together” by the world but are barely keeping up with the complexities within. Each structure is coated in one singular color to further this false sense of unity that contrasts its uneven organization. The structures’ appearance will change when viewed from different angles. There is no right way to perceive it and there is no singular view that can capture it in entirety, such as though one cannot control the way others view them. Different points of view can significantly affect how something, or someone is interpreted. It is impossible to control this complexity, and perfection is only an illusion to hide the confusion within.

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