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December 2022


Vermillion, South Dakota



Folding one origami crane takes only a few minutes of time. Even though this time spent creating the simple paper birds seems trivial, each can be a reminder of the past and the times in life that signify change. The vast majority of the one thousand origami cranes in this piece are made from candy wrappers to signify the mundaneness and routine of every day, as well as my personality and love for sweets. Cranes made of other paper represent the small moments in life that bring happiness or signify specific periods that brought about change and progress. Echo of Remembrance encourages you to take time to look for the subtle changes in color and material. Although the small number of cranes not made of candy wrappers are personal to me, they are meant to allow you to reflect on the past and the progression of time throughout life and how you have grown into the person you are today. It is a visual representation of the passage and the importance of the small things in life.

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